1.品种 Type Model
1.1种类 Kinds: 小型大功率继电器 Miniature high power relay
1.2型号 Type: ADA-A89/12V
1.3触点形式 Contact Arrangement: 单刀常开型Form A
1.4触点材料 Contact Material: AgSnOInO
2.安全标准 Safety Standard
国际安全认证Foreign Standard: Recognized by CQC file no. CQC
Recognized by UL file no. E322305
3.线圈额定参数 Coil Rating (at 20℃)
3.1额定电压 Rated Voltage: 12VDC
3.2 线圈电阻 Coil Resistance: 680Ω
3.3 额定功耗 Normal Operating Power: 0.21 W
3.4 最大允许线圈电压 Max. Allowable Coil Voltage: 15.6VDC
4.触点参数 Contact Specification
4.1 触点阻性负载 Contact Rating: 5A@250VAC
4.2 最大切换电流 Max. Contact Current: 5A
4.3 最大切换电压 Max. Contact Voltage: 250VAC
4.4 最大切换功率Max. Allowable Capacity: 1250VA
5.性能 Performance
5.1 接触电阻 Contact Resistance: 100mΩ (at 6VDC 1A)
5.2 动作电压 Operate Voltage: Max. 9.00VDC
5.3 释放电压 Release Voltage: Min. 0.60VDC
5.4 动作时间 Operate Time: Max. 10ms
5.5 释放时间 Release Time: Max. 4ms
5.6 寿命 Life
(1)电气寿命 Electrically
1×105 times
(2)机械寿命 Mechanically
5.7 介质耐压 Dielectric Strength (漏电流 Leak Current: 1mA )
(1)断开触点间 Between Contacts: 750VAC (50/60Hz 1min)
(2)触点与线圈间 Between Coil To Contacts: 3000VAC (50/60Hz 1min)
5.8 绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance
(1)断开触点间 Between Contacts: 1000MΩ(500VDC)
(2)触点与线圈间 Between Coil To Contacts: 1000MΩ(500VDC)
5.9线圈温升 Coil Temperature Rise: Max. 60 ℃
Applied voltage of coil 100% rated voltage ,Carry current of contact 5A@250VAC.
5.10 振动 Vibration
强度: 1.5mm双振幅,10~55Hz,3小时。继电器外观、结构和性能不应有异常。Durability: 1.5mm Double amplitude ,10 to 55Hz, 3 hours. It shall be no abnormalities in appearance, construction and performance.
5.11 冲击 Shock
稳定性: 98m/s2 (10g),6次(X、Y、Z三个方向中的每个方向),闭合回路的断开或开路回路的闭合时间应不超过100μs 。
Malfunction: 98m/s2 (10g),6 shocks (each direction of X,Y,Z),No opering of any closed contact circuit of no closing of any opened contact circuit shall exceed 100μs.
强度: 980m/s2 (100g),6次(X、Y、Z三个方向中的每个方向),继电器外观、结构和性能不应有异常。
Durability: 980m/s2 (100g),6 shocks (each direction of X,Y,Z), It shall be no abnormalities in appearance, construction and performance.
5.12 引出脚强度 Terminal Strength: 5N 1分钟
引出脚在插入方向上施加5N的拉力,继电器应无异常。(引出脚微弯可以接受) At push in direction the terminal can endure 5N force for 1 minute,It Shall be no abnormalities.(a little curving of the terminals shall be Acceptable)
5.13耐焊接热 Soldering Heat Resistance: 260±5℃,10s.
There shall be no abnormalities.
5.14 焊接性能 Soldering Ability: 240±5℃,3±0.5s.
引出端被浸锡部分应有90%以上连续覆上一层锡层。90% of the dipped portion shall be soldered.
5.15 耐温性 Temperature Resistance
(1)耐热 Heat Resistance
80±2℃ 温度中放置2小时,恢复常温2小时后,继电器的结构及性能应无异常。Must be free from any abnormality in both the construction and characteristics after the relay is lift in a temperature of 80±2℃ for 2h and then in room temperature and humidity for 2h.
(2)耐寒 Cold Resistance
-30±2℃温度中放置2小时,恢复常温2小时后,继电器的结构及性能应无异常。Must be free from any abnormality in both the construction and characteristics after the relay is lift in a temperature of -30±2℃ for 2h and then in room temperature and humidity for 2h.
5.16 耐湿性 Moisture Resistance
在温度40±2℃ 相对温度90~95%RH中放置48小时,恢复常温2小时后,继电器的结构及性能应无异常。且绝缘电阻应不小于50MΩ min。(500VDC)Must be free from any abnormality in both the construction and characteristics after the relay is lift in a humidity of 90% to 95% RH for
48h and then in room temperature and humidity for 2h. Insulation resistance however must be 50MΩ min.(500VDC)
6.产品标识 Marking
6.1 外壳颜色 Case Color: 黑色 Black
6.2 印字位置 Marking Position: 侧面 side
6.3 印字颜色 Ink Color: 白色 White
7.标准测试条件 Standards Test Condition
7.1 温度 Temperature: 20±5℃
7.2 湿度 Humidity: 60 ± 10%
7.3 方向 Direction of Measurement: 引出脚向下为标准方向
8.使用条件Operating Condition
8.1 温度 Temperature: -30 ~+85 ℃
8.2 湿度 Humidity: 20% ~ 85%RH
8.3 安装方向 Mounting Direction: 引出脚向下为标准方向
Terminals down position is standard position
9.贮存条件Storage Condition
9.1温度 Temperature: 0~+40℃
9.2湿度 Humidity: < 80%
9.3环境 Environment
(1) 产品贮存场地不能有腐蚀性气体 Store in locations where the product is not exposed to corrosive gas.
(2) 贮存中应避免阳光直照产品 Keep product is not exposed to the direct 10.产品结构 Configuration
Outline And Construction Schematic
原发布时间:2016-3-7 10:31:23